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The Metta Method 21
Day1: Once Begun is Half Done
Welcome & Disclaimer (7:55)
What You Need For This Course (10:08)
Overview of the Five Key Concepts (9:47)
A Sacred Space (4:23)
Preliminary Detox (13:16)
Belly Breathing (6:13)
Resistance Breathing
Day 1 Assignments (9:14)
Evening Affirmations Daily Practice
Day 2: I Am Purified
Welcome to Day 2 (14:39)
Purifying Breath (Kapalabhati)
Resistance Breathing Review
Conscious Movement Intro
Conscious Movement Daily Practice
Addiction: discussion (20:31)
Alternate Nostril Breathing (4:56)
Day 3: Eat Like a Yogi
Welcome to Day 3 (12:09)
Bee Breath (4:42)
Mindfulness: exercise
Eat Like A Yogi (16:15)
Juicing (0:31)
Disordered Eating: discussion
PTSD Discussion
Thoughts Become Things
Day 4: Coherence
Welcome to Day 4 (20:37)
Coherent Breathing Daily Practice
Mindfulness: exercise
Depression: discussion
Environmental Toxins (15:57)
Day 5: Resonance
Welcome to Day 5 (8:04)
Breath of Joy
Sound Healing Intro (14:32)
Om track
Mindfulness Exercise
Anxiety: discussion (17:38)
The Brain
Defining Emotions
Day 6: Rest
Welcome to Day 6 (5:55)
Yoga Nidra
Day 7: Into the Wild
Welcome to Day 7 (10:30)
Spiritual Awareness pt. 1
Spiritual Awareness pt. 2
Spiritual Awareness pt. 3
Spiritual Awareness pt. 4
Day 8: Your Daily Practice
Welcome to Day 8 (13:55)
The Metta Method Redefined
Purifying Breath
Conscious Movement
Take a Walk
Coherent Breathing
Gratitude Journal
Feelings Journal
Alternate Nostril Breathing (4:56)
Daily Affirmations
Daily Practice Checklist
One More Thing (6:33)
Day 9: Facing My Reality
Welcome to Day 9 (14:20)
Why I Keep Harping on Gratitude
Embracing Powerlessness
Know Your Disease
Know Your Patterns: Exercise
Review of How to Eat Like a Yogi
Toxic Thinking
The Endocrine System
The Nervous System
The Cell
Denial and Sexuality
Imprints and Patterns: A Deeper Look
Exercise: Problems, Secrets, Excuses
Day 10: Oh My Emotions
Welcome to Day 10 (18:25)
Exercise: Shifting Perception
Befriending Emotions
Emotions: Messengers of Spirit
Obstacles to The Metta Method
Bellows Breath (Bhastrika)
Life Force
There is a Higher Frequency
Day 11: Balancing Act
Welcome to Day 11 (8:16)
Balance is a Practice
You ARE NOT Your Disease
The Game of Life
Exercise: Backtracking
Know Your Imprints: Guilt
Benefits of Conscious Movement
Day 12: Insight
Welcome to Day 12 (5:30)
Exercise: Dysfunctional Family Roles
Thinking Outside the Matrix
Humility Brings a Gift
Stock-taking Exercise: Resentments
Stock-taking Exercise: Harms
Day 13: Rest
Welcome to Day 13 (16:46)
Yin Yoga
Day 14: The Secret Life of Trees
Welcome to Day 14 (8:04)
The Present Moment Holds Power
Preparation for Day 15
Day 15: The Unburdening
Welcome to Day 15 (8:15)
Another Kind of Detox
A Word With Your Trusted Person
Harms Done: Exercise
Day 16: Journeying
Welcome to Day 16 (11:52)
Self-Care and Self-Love
Thoughts & Imagination
The Drum Intro (8:32)
Journeying With The Drum
10-minute drum track
Day 17: Relationships
Welcome to Day 17 (16:39)
Assignment: Who and Where is My Tribe?
Relationships & Boundaries
King and Queen Baby
A Quick Word On Sex
15 minute drum track
Day 18: Mindfulness
Welcome to Day 18 (18:44)
Mindfulness is a Practice; Presence is a Process
The Practice of Meditation
Meditation on the Subtle Body
Conscious Contact with Higher Awareness
Day 19: Straighten Up and Fly Right
Welcome to Day 19 (10:07)
Symptoms of the Downward Spiral
Exercise: My Purpose
The Science of Prayer
Exercise: Intention as Prayer
Day 20: Fasting
Welcome to Day 20 (7:54)
Introduction to Jhenneviev Laquerre
Connected Breathwork with Jhenneviev Laquerre
Day 21 : You Are, Have Always Been, and Will Always Be Metta
Welcome to Day 21 (13:37)
Spiritual Awareness pt. 1
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